This course offers an in-depth introduction to Feng Shui, focusing on the principles, practices, and applications of this ancient art to create harmonious and balanced environments. Participants will learn how to apply Feng Shui techniques to enhance their living and working spaces, improving overall well-being and productivity. COURSE OBJECTIVES: • Understand Feng Shui Principles • Apply Feng Shui Techniques • Enhance Personal and Professional Spaces • Address Specific Issues TARGET AUDIENCE: • Beginners interested in learning Feng Shui • Homeowners looking to improve their living space • Business owners aiming to enhance their work environment • Interior designers and architects seeking to incorporate Feng Shui principles into their designs TEACHING METHODOLOGY: • Interactive Lectures and Presentations • Hands-On Activities • Case Studies and Real-Life Examples • Demonstrations and Workshops • Feedback and Reflection • Assessment and Evaluation • Follow-Up and Support

Course Content

The Course includes

1 Sections

1 Lessons

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